New Zealand Buddhist Chaplains 2019

New Zealand Buddhist Chaplains

For 2,500 years Buddhists have contemplated sickness, old age and death to understand suffering and find an end to it. Buddhist practitioners therefore value sickness, old age, death and other transitions as opportunities for spiritual insight and growth. Buddhist chaplains are trained to accompany people through such difficult times, working in hospitals, hospices, schools prisons and other facilities. By supporting a person suffering in a difficult situation with skilful inquiry, guided meditation and/or prayers, the total pain (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) a person experiences is skillfully and compassionately addressed. With the help of a spiritual friend the person is better able to find the inner resources to deal with what is happening to him or her, moment by moment.

Level 1 is not scheduled for 2019. Level 2 is scheduled for March 2020.

The following people are experienced Buddhist Chaplains who supervise the NZ Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains and were some of the tutors of the Level 1 Buddhist Chaplaincy course:

Ecie Hursthouse

Amala Wrightson

Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains

In 2013 the New Zealand Buddhist Council and Amitabha Hospice started training well-vetted applicants to become Buddhist Chaplains with a Level 1 course. The people on the list below have completed the Level 1 course and been accepted as Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains. They will be required to complete a number of hours of supervised spiritual support in the community and an assignment before they qualify to do Level 2. After completion of these, there will be more requirements to complete before they can take the Level 3 course towards becoming a fully qualified NZ Buddhist Chaplain.

As Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains, the people listed below* can facilitate emotional comfort, support a troubled person’s own Buddhist practices and help the person use their own beliefs to investigate their concerns. These are resourceful people who have received training in listening skills. At this stage, they are trained for medical situations but not yet trained for schools or prisons, which will be covered in the next levels. An Apprentice Buddhist Chaplain may be contacted by hospitals, hospices, nursing homes or privately, with the assurance that they will endeavor to address an individual’s own spiritual needs while fostering a peaceful environment and maintaining strict confidentiality.

*Please substitute @ for (at). We list email addresses in this way to avoid spambots.


Anjalee Pieries: vinoanj1(at)

Conny Krebs: conny.krebs(at)

Hean Tan: heantan21(at)

Heather Buttle: H.Buttle(at)

Helen Gallagher: h.gallagher61(at)

Karunajoti Grace: karunajoti(at)

Marion Feasey: marionfeasey(at)

Rukman Wagachchi: rukmanw(at)

Steph Madenholt-Titley: stephmt(at)

Teresa Behrens: chalicenz(at)

Venerable Sumana: ven.sumanasiri(at)


Geoff Gensei Moore: wrotelearning(at)


Erin Lummis: erinlummis34(at)

Jane Ross: jane(at)

Julie Downard: angulijulie(at)

Lea Godfrey: leagodfrey4(at)

Wilhelmina Flick: wilhelmina.flick(at)


Angela Dempster-Passang: angeladempster(at)

Drolma Simpson: drolma.simpson(at)

Sue Latimer: lantern2see(at)


Lassara Hall


Venerable Sudchai Lekkratok: sogood27(at)


Deb Moran: deb.moran(at)


Clare Woodham: clarewoodham(at)

Gail Wright: janga(at)

Jan Crawford: janga(at)


Diane Johnston: dianelittletree(at)

Ramona Clark: ramonaclarknelson(at)

Wayne Frecklington: waynefreck(at)

New Plymouth

Teresa Goodin: teresagoodin(at)


Deirdre Savage: deirdresavage7(at)

Thames (NZ)

Diane Prajnalila Quin: prajnalila(at)


Annie McMullen: annie_mcmullen(at)


Janice Hill: janicefayhill(at)

Derek LeDayn: derek.ledayn(at)

Rosalind Jiko McIntosh: jikomc(at)

Satyadevi Barrett: satyad3v1(at)


Laura Cheung: laura_cheung1498(at)

Tejomani Earl: tejomani(at)


Graeme Cleaver: gscleaver(at)

Colombia (South America)

Corina Nino: corinanino33(at)

Oxford (UK)

Jude Bennett: judebennett51(at)