Many of you will quite naturally be applying your practice skills to the present situation. You may wish to contribute to our extending our recommendations. However, here is a helpful checklist of some attitudes and practices suggested by teachers and practitioners with whom we recently spoke:
- Sending loving kindness to all who are unwell or afraid.
- Dedicating merit to those on the frontline of the effort to prevent, contain and treat the contagion.
- Remaining of good cheer. No matter what illness we may endure, wholesome emotional states support proper function of our bodies as well as giving ease to those around us.
- Making crisis an opportunity for cultivation. Our bodies are unfamiliar with this illness, and we are just learning as a society how to respond. We are amidst a crisis. The qualities required of all of us are many of the ones we seek to develop on the Buddhist path such as – awareness (sati), circumspection (sampajañña), heedfulness (appamāda), kindness (mettā), and compassion (karuṇā)
- Equanimously extending care beyond ourselves. Let’s all do our best to understand where and how we can safely help people around us. This nurtures a healthy heart-mind.
- Meditating daily, we are supporting the body’s health, and doing our best for all beings.
- Being mindful that nothing lasts. Whatever suffering comes, we have an opportunity to pay closer attention.
You may wish to read a related Vimalakirti Sutra teaching on great compassion – here.